Ready to give CoffeeLink a try?

The evaluation version on this CDROM includes all of the features of the full version of Coffeelink except that it limits the number of newsgroups and messages that you can create.

CoffeeLink News Server is "shipped" electronically in the form of a self extracting installation program. The program is called clnewseval.exe for Windows NT systems or for Solaris and Linux systems. The installation program contains all of the files and directories needed to install and run CLNews on your computer.

Free Coffeelink Evaluation for Windows NT

Free Coffeelink Evaluation for Solaris and Linux

How To Order CoffeeLink

Coffeelink for Windows NT systems

Click Here for Automatic Install, or follow the manual install directions below.

Click this link to copy the installer for Windows NT systems to your hard disk:


Running the Installer

The installer will ask you for the name of the directory to install CLNews into. The installer will automatically create the directory for you if it does not already exist. For example, under Windows NT this directory might be named:

C:\Program Files\CoffeeLinkNews

Follow these steps:

1. Click the Start menu and select the Run option.

2. Click the Browse... button and select the clnewseval.exe program then click the OK button to return to the Run window.

3. Click the OK button to launch the installation program then follow the on screen instructions.

Coffeelink for Solaris and Linux systems

Click Here for Automatic Install, or follow the manual install directions below.

Click this link to copy the installer for Solaris and Linux systems to your hard disk:

Running the Installer

The installer will ask you for the name of the directory to install CLNews into. The installer will automatically create the directory for you if it does not already exist. For example, under Windows NT this directory might be named:


Follow these steps:

1. Start a command prompt. The method for doing this will vary depending on the target platform.

2. cd to the directory containing the install file (

3. Run the installer with the following command: ./

4. The install program will search your system for a JVM to use when running the program. Select the desired JVM from the list by entering the number next to its name and pressing the Return/Enter key.

5. The installer should launch itself. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation. If the installer does not launch, check that your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly and then repeat step 3.

Where can I order CoffeeLink News Server?

CoffeeLink News Server is available through selected online retailers. Check the Burton Computer website for latest prices and information. The price includes the NNTP server, configuration program, an online user's manual in HTML format, and 60 days of e-mail technical support.